Real-Time Verified
Carbon Credits.

Harnessing real-time data from ground sensors, satellite imagery, and AI
to set the highest standard of traceability in the carbon market,
to empower companies to make confident investments
towards their climate goals.

Partner with Alethia for robust, science-backed carbon credits, ensuring you confidently fulfill your climate goals.

Real-Time Measurement
You Can Trust.

Real Monitoring.

Sensor Technology tirelessly measures the enhancing practices of our projects, providing precise and real-time data.

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Data Processing Everyone can Verify.

Accurate and Verifiable Calculation.

The impact data is securely processed in our database. Through our advanced algorithm, we calculate the exact amount of CO₂ reduced, that everyone can verify.

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Expert-Backed Science.

Ensuring Credibility.

Scientists rigorously back up every project and measurement with their studies, ensuring the credibility and accuracy of our carbon offset generation process.

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Carbon Token Blockchain Issuance.

Authentic traceability.

Each tonne of CO₂e is verified, authenticated, and converted into a blockchain-backed Dynamic Carbon Token, ensuring transparency and trust.

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The Future

Carbon Tokens

The Future

Sensors: Precision. Blockchain: Security.
Scientists: Trust.

Alethia's Trusted Approach to Carbon Tokens Generation.