Climate Action through Innovative Carbon Solutions.

Leading the Charge in Carbon Traceability: Alethia's Commitment to Trust, Value,
and Unrivaled Quality Control in the Carbon Market.

Built to simplify carbon traceability.
Engineered to be transparent.
Engineered to scale.

Alethia was established to address critical challenges in the Voluntary Carbon Market,
leveraging cutting-edge technology and unwavering transparency to restore trust and integrity.
Our approach is rooted in scientific rigor, professionalism, and a commitment to generating
traceable, verifiable, and high-quality Carbon Tokens.

With Alethia, stakeholders can trust in a concise, scientific, and professional solution
that ensures real impact and fosters confidence in the carbon market.

Our approach


We work to ensure unparalleled transparency and reliability in carbon token generation.

Our approach


We revolutionize carbon credit generation by leveraging blockchain and ground sensors.

Our approach


We empower organizations to progress toward carbon neutrality, with carbon credits backed by science.